

15 Jan, 2020
If you find yourself with bad breath or have had someone remark on your breath, you might be experiencing halitosis. Bad breath may come and go depending on what food you are eating or if you have “morning breath,” common in those who tend to breathe through the mouth. Still, the most common culprit is neglecting your daily oral hygiene care. The number one reason for halitosis is the unchecked millions of bacteria in your mouth (especially on your tongue) that release bacterial acids (plaque). The sulfur byproducts released by oral bacteria as waste are known as volatile sulfur compounds (VSC’s). Other causes include “fruity” breath that arises in those with uncontrolled diabetes, respiratory tract infections, chronic sinusitis, tooth decay and gum disease. Proper Diagnosis and Treatment When you visit our dental office for help with bad breath, our dentist will perform a thorough evaluation of your oral cavity. It includes an inspection of your teeth and gums, salivary glands and tongue. Your medical history will be reviewed, including any medications that might leave you with dry mouth. Dry mouth, or xerostomia, leads to bad breath from the reduction of saliva flow – a vital function when it comes to keeping your mouth healthy. Other causes of chronic halitosis might involve dietary habits like consuming garlic or onions, drinking coffee or alcohol, practicing intermittent fasting, or adhering to low-carb or ketogenic diets, which leaves you with bad breath. Unhealthy lifestyle habits, like smoking or chewing tobacco, also leave your breath smelling unpleasant. Improve Your Breath and Boost Your Confidence – Start by stepping up your daily oral hygiene game. Brush and floss at least twice a day for two minutes, and don’t skip cleaning your tongue! Use your toothbrush or a tongue scraper to clean the surface of your tongue. An antibacterial toothpaste and mouthwash can also help, and our dentist is happy to recommend the best one for your needs. – Prevent dry mouth by staying hydrated. Drink drinking plenty of water to maintain healthy saliva levels and even chew sugarless gum to stimulate saliva production. – Rinse your mouth after eating to flush away oral debris and prevent food particles from lingering. – Eat a nutritious diet and stick with healthy snacks like apples, celery and carrots, which scrub the teeth and promote saliva flow. Address Health Issues or Medical Conditions Beyond your daily care, you’ll need to address any health issues you might have. Our dentist can determine whether you have oral infections stemming from tooth decay, gum inflammation (gum or periodontal disease) or poorly fitting dentures. Seeing your primary physician will allow you to address other medical conditions such as respiratory tract infections in the sinuses, throat or lungs. Other conditions could include liver or kidney disease, gastroesophageal reflux disease, diabetes, etc. NOW Is the Time! When it comes to your oral health, taking good care of your mouth and addressing lingering health issues can effectively improve both! The New Year is a good time to renew your resolve to better care for your smile and your body by addressing bad breath issues. This can boost your self-confidence in social interactions, including your co-workers, family and friends! If you need help alleviating your chronic bad breath, please reach out to our dental practice and schedule a visit with our dentist. Regular dental visits can detect problems early and allow us to remove hardened plaque leading to halitosis. Let us help you identify the cause of your bad breath and implement effective solutions for a healthier smile!
20 Dec, 2019
Winter is here and if you are exposed to the harsher weather, you could find yourself experiencing more cold and canker sores, chapped lips and dry mouth from the colder, drier conditions of the season. The good news is, there are steps you can take to protect your mouth, teeth, and gums during this time. 1. Cold and Canker Sore Protection When your smile is exposed to the winter sun you can find yourself with cold sore breakouts. Stress is another trigger for mouth sores, so all the holiday shopping, decorating, baking, entertaining, and extra socializing can bring on stress. Mouth sores can show up as red, fluid-filled blisters on the mouth and lips, or as ulcers on your cheeks, lips, gums, tongue, the bottom of your mouth, or soft palate, and even be accompanied by pain. Getting plenty of sleep and eating a nutrient-rich diet with vitamins and minerals can build up your immune system. This is important as a weakened immune system are more vulnerable to viral infection. Canker sores can also arise because of overindulgence in wintery treats if the food is high in acid (hello hot cider and spicy treats)! These are generally small and painful ulcers in the mouth that look red, white, or yellow. Tip: Treat oral sores and help speed up healing by gargling with salt water and applying a paste of baking soda and water to the ulcer. Over-the-counter medications can help soothe any pain. 2. Limiting Sweets Another way your smile takes a hit in the winter is from all the excess sugar consumed during the holidays, like hot cocoa and sugary treats. Be mindful of how much sugar you expose your pearly whites to on a daily basis. It doesn’t just feed your sweet tooth but also feeds cavity-causing oral bacteria! We recommend limiting your consumption of these sugary treats: – Holiday candy: Candy canes, peppermint bark, chocolate, fudge, truffles – Chewy, sticky candy: Caramel, jellybeans, divinity, toffee – Dried fruit: Trail mix, apricots, figs, raisins and prunes – Alcohol: A double whammy, alcohol is high in sugar and dries out your mouth Notice we’re not saying to avoid sugar altogether, just limit your consumption. When you do indulge, take a moment to rinse your mouth well with water or brush your teeth to clear any sugary residue. Tip: Hydration provides a healthier oral environment, so drink plenty of water! Since winter is cold-and-flu season, stick to sugar-free cold/fever medicines and sugar-free cough drops and lozenges for your throat. Your mouth will thank you! 3. Oral Protection During Sports Protecting your smile from injury is a big deal when you participate in sports that can result in cracked, broken or knocked-out teeth, lacerated oral tissues or even jaw injury. The best protection for teeth and gums and to prevent oral injury is wearing an athletic guard (and a helmet) during sporting activities. Along with winter sports like skiing, snowboarding and ice skating which can lead to mouth, head and jaw injuries,, an athletic guard can safeguard your smile when you engage in the following: – Biking – Skateboarding – Rollerblading – Football – Hockey – Boxing – Basketball – Volleyball – Baseball – Softball – Martial arts – Lacrosse – Wrestling Tip: The main reason people forgo wearing mouth guards is that they can be uncomfortable, and that is often true for the stock and bite-and-boil or over-the-counter versions. However, a customized athletic guard from the dentist can solve that problem as it will be made to fit comfortably in the mouth while letting you breathe with ease. Winter is a fun-filled time of year, but it can also bring elements that harm your teeth and gums. Call our team if you have any questions or concerns about protecting your smile. Take extra care of your mouth this season and ring in the New Year with a beautiful smile all-year-round!
12 Nov, 2019
Upcoming holidays are around the corner, and you’re probably already thinking of all the foodie goodness coming your way. November is Good Nutrition Month, so you might want to consider adding healthy options to your meals to maintain good oral and general health and wellbeing. The goal of our dental practice is to help you keep your teeth healthy, strong and bright! Nutritionally-Rich Foods A healthy smile starts with eating a balanced diet to protect teeth and gums. Not only do healthy teeth allow you to chew (and digest) the nutritious foods that your body needs, but if your diet is poor, your mouth’s resistance to infection is lowered. Mouth-healthy foods include fresh fruits, leafy greens, vegetables and lean meat and dairy, all giving you the nutrients you need to thrive. Sugar Attacks Modern diets can’t seem to get away from sugar because manufacturers add it to nearly everything. If you read the packaging on processed foods, it’s often added for flavor and as a preservative. The problem is sugar feeds the oral bacteria, which then attacks tooth enamel and creates harmful plaque and tartar. If you love soda, you should know that it is one of the biggest “bad guys” when it comes to sugar (and acid). Sucrose is a major culprit in tooth decay, so regular consumption of soda, candy, cakes, pies and cookies are top tooth hazards. Even dried fruits harm tooth enamel since they are high in sugar and often sticky, so they cling to enamel. Sugar is also derived from starches like bread, chips, cereals, and pretzels, leading to tooth decay when consumed regularly. Sticking to fresh fruits like raw apples can safely satisfy sweet cravings and protect your pearly whites. Raw fruits require lots of chewing, which stimulates saliva production that lowers oral acidity, rinses away food particles, and diminishes cavity-causing bacteria in the mouth. Acid Attacks Permanent damage to teeth and gums also arises from acidic foods and drinks as they erode precious tooth enamel, and unfortunately, it doesn’t take much to begin the erosion process. Highly acidic liquids: – Citrus juice (lemon, grapefruit, lime, orange) – Fruit juices (apple, grape, cranberry) – Wine – Soda – Tonic water – Iced tea – Sports drinks Highly acidic foods: – Fruits (such as pineapple, berries, oranges and lemons) – Tomatoes – Pickles (such as cucumbers, artichokes, beets and sauerkraut) Protect your teeth from an acid attack by waiting half an hour after eating or drinking before brushing your teeth. You can rinse food particles and oral debris out of your mouth after consuming these items by swishing with plain water for 30 seconds. When you do brush, use a soft-bristled toothbrush and brush gently at a 45-degree angle. Oral Care Tips – When you are away from home and can’t brush, try chewing sugarless gum. The act of chewing stimulates saliva production and flushes away food particles while lowering your oral acids. – Avoid dry mouth (insufficient saliva production), which increases your risk of tooth decay. Stay well hydrated, and be sure to brush your teeth before bedtime. Saliva production slows down while you sleep, so don’t skip your nightly brushing routine! – Don’t skip your biannual dental checkups. These are crucial to a healthy smile as we remove hardened dental plaque and check teeth and gums for potential problems. This November, we hope you enjoy the sweetness of being with loved ones, consuming tasty, healthy foods and beverages and remember all the things you are thankful for! We are here to help you take good care of your teeth and gums so you can be grateful for your healthy smile and body!
18 Oct, 2019
Happy October, everyone! It’s one of the spookiest seasons of the year, and one of the scariest things we can think of is having problems with our teeth and gums. Since October is National Dental Hygiene Month, we want to promote a healthy mouth for everyone by acknowledging the importance of your daily hygiene efforts. Healthy teeth and gums are the foundation of a healthy, beautiful smile! Plaque The mouth is full of living bacteria, some of which feed and thrive on carbohydrates and sugary drinks. These can release acids mixed with saliva and food particles to create a sticky bacterial film (plaque). As plaque builds up, it attacks and weakens tooth enamel, working its way through the softer dentin and tooth pulp below it to create decay and cavities. Teeth with extensive decay often require a root canal treatment to save the tooth from the severe infection that has taken root. A root canal removes the bad bacteria and dead tissue that might otherwise require extracting the tooth. Signs You Might Need a Root Canal – Tooth pain or pain when chewing – Sensitivity to hot and cold food and drinks – Sensitive gums – Gum infection – Darkened or chipped teeth – Swollen lymph nodes – Oral trauma What You Can Do Did you know that the first known bristle toothbrush was invented in China in 1948? Unlike the smooth nylon-bristled brushes we use today, the original toothbrush used boar hairs attached to bamboo or bone handles. We don’t know about you, but we’re grateful for today’s toothbrushes! To prevent damaged teeth, you’ll want to start by protecting your mouth from plaque. For example, drinks like soda, fruit juices, sports drinks, carbonated water and other acidic and sweetened beverages are pretty much a lifeline for oral bacteria that attach your teeth. To lessen plaque, limit these beverages, and when you drink them, use a straw to reduce contact on tooth enamel. Better choices include water, milk, low-sugar vegetable juice, and unsweetened green and black tea. This year’s National Dental Hygiene Awareness Month focuses on four habits you need to practice daily: Brush Brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes each session with a soft-bristled toothbrush (no boars hair!). You want to gently clean them without harming the enamel or soft gum tissues. Make sure the head and shape of the brush fit comfortable in your mouth so you can get to the back areas to remove bacteria and food particles. Hold your brush at a 45-degree angle to your gums. Using short strokes, move your toothbrush back and forth to clean all tooth surfaces – outside, inside and the top of the molars – where the food is chewed. Make sure to clean those grooves and crevices. Use up-and-down-strokes to clean the inside of your front teeth. Tip: Don’t forget to brush your tongue to get rid of plaque and freshen your breath. Floss Clean between your teeth once a day using a flossing tool of choice (one that makes you want to floss every day) to get rid of dental plaque your toothbrush can’t reach. Plaque buildup will cause it to harden into tartar or calculus, which has to be removed by a dental hygienist using special tools. Rinse Some areas of the mouth can’t get rid of plaque by brushing and flossing alone. Rinsing with an antibacterial mouthwash daily destroys bacteria to prevent tooth decay and gum disease (infection of the oral tissue) from gaining hold. Your dentist can recommend a non-alcoholic antimicrobial rinse that is right for your needs. Chew Speaking of dry mouth, did you know that chewing sugarless gum for 20 minutes after you eat lessens the chances of tooth decay? That’s because chewing stimulates saliva glands to promote healthy saliva flow. Your saliva plays a vital role by rinsing away food particles and bacterial debris and neutralizes the acids from oral bacteria. This month is a good time to toss out your old worn-out toothbrush and find a flossing method you will enjoy using every day. You’ll also want to thank your dental hygienist the next time you see them for all their efforts to make your smile the best it can be!
06 Sep, 2019
September brings the month of National Gum Care, a time to raise awareness for healthy gums everywhere. No matter your age, you should always be striving for great oral care, and this doesn’t just mean your teeth. Your gums are just as important when it comes to maintaining a great smile. As new research develops, we see a rise in medical conditions related to infected gums – such as heart disease, diabetes, pregnancy complications and more – and how preventing gum (periodontal) disease is vital for both your oral and overall health. It is believed that the inflammation caused by bacteria can destroy gum tissue and then invade the bloodstream, eventually affecting other parts of your body. You can help prevent this invasion by taking excellent care of your teeth and gums. Healthy Gums vs. Diseased Gums Do you know what healthy gums look like? Gums should be firm and pink with no bleeding and no discomfort. Signs of bad gums include loose or shifting teeth, chronic bad breath, a bad taste in your mouth, bleeding gums, redness, swelling, pus around teeth and gums, receding gums, and gum tenderness. If you have dentures, they may not fit correctly. If your gums become paler than they usually are, contact your dentist right away. It is important to get treatment at the first sign of gum disease. Preventing Gum Disease You can help take care of your gums by following these guidelines: – Healthy Brushing: Be sure to brush at least twice a day, waiting to brush for at least 30 minutes after your meal (brushing right away can cause corrosion from leftover food). – Flossing Correctly: Floss at least once a day to remove debris between the teeth and near the gums. It is recommended you floss before brushing so your toothbrush can wipe away leftover bacteria and debris. Gently floss between each tooth, using clean sections of floss each time. Avoid snapping the floss down onto the gums. – Seeing Your Dentist: You should receive a dental exam and cleaning every six months if not more often. Notify your dentist if you have concerns about your teeth and gums or you are experiencing pain or discomfort. – Healthy Diet: Consume a regular diet of healthy foods and liquids. More sugar in your diet tends to lead to more lingering and sticky bacteria. Rinse your mouth with water after eating and drinking other beverages. – Avoiding Substances: A great way to help your teeth and gums stay healthy is avoiding tobacco and limiting your alcohol intake. This includes smoking and vaping. Try to avoid drinking too much soda and energy beverages, candies, sugary snacks, and fast food. – Other Tips: Replace your toothbrush every two to three months, depending on the wear. Exercise regularly to increase blood flow and encourage saliva flow. Choose a toothpaste that is best for your dental needs. Treatments for Healthier Gums Even if you haven’t had a cavity in your life, you are still vulnerable to gum disease. If your home dental care isn’t enough, there are alternative treatments to help rid your mouth of infection. These include the following options: – Professional dental cleaning – Scaling and root planing – Pocket reduction – Gum graft – Soft tissue graft – Prescribed medication, toothpaste or mouthwash – Root canal therapy (if needed) These options can help keep you and your smile in optimal health. Your gums are important in keeping your teeth in place. We invite you to consult with our team about what treatment may be best for you. If you have questions or concerns about your gum health, feel free to give our experienced team a call. We will be happy to help you get the gum care you deserve, so reach out today and get your dental health where it deserves to be!
16 Aug, 2019
We learn at a young age that brushing and flossing are vital to keeping your smile healthy. We need to continue these daily habits in our ongoing quest to maintain healthy smiles for strong teeth and gums. Seeing your dentist regularly for professional cleanings and checkups at least twice a year is another habit you should incorporate. Together with our dental team, you are creating an optimal oral environment for a lifetime of smiles in great condition. Professional dental cleanings are typically recommended twice a year, but if you are in treatment for dental illnesses or are at high risk for disease – such as gum disease – you may need to come in more frequently. Of course, dental cleanings are just one aspect of these visits. Our dentist will also conduct an oral exam, which may include taking dental X-rays to assess the condition of your teeth, jaw and gums. We will be looking for signs of tooth decay, gum disease and oral cancer. If this is your first visit, we will want to know about your health history, what medications you take, current allergies or adverse reactions you have had to medications in the past. And if you have dental anxiety that kept you from seeing your dentist before, please let us know so we can discuss ways to minimize your discomfort and help you feel more relaxed and comfortable during your time with us. We are happy to work with you to make your experience safe, relaxing and convenient for you. Professional Dental Cleanings Regular professional dental cleanings remove calcified plaque, known as tartar, that accumulates in the hard-to-clean areas of the mouth. These are not easily accessible by your daily brushing and flossing efforts. To do this, our dentist or hygienist may use a special dental instrument – either a hand scaler or ultrasonic dental instrument – to remove tartar from around and below the gum line. Once this calcified plaque has been removed, your teeth will be polished with a mildly abrasive paste to clear away leftover plaque and tooth stains. After a final floss and evaluation from our experienced team, we will send you on your way. If you run your tongue along your tooth surfaces, you should be able to feel the clean, smooth surface of the enamel. When the surface is smooth, it is harder for plaque to attach. We will also be happy to review whatever hygiene issues you may be experiencing as well as go over brushing and flossing techniques to help you better care for your teeth at home. We will be happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have concerning your oral care. If you would like to know more about how dental checkups can help your oral health, feel free to give us a call or schedule to come into our office for your next exam! Our goal is to help you attain your best smile and have a great dental experience, so call us today to set up an appointment.
12 Jul, 2019
If you have recently learned that you have a badly broken, damaged, or infected tooth, our dentist may recommend having a dental crown placed. A crown or tooth-shaped “cap” is a fixed prosthetic cemented onto a tooth to restore its appearance, form and function as well as strengthen the tooth. Dental crowns cover a tooth’s entire surface, and when treatment is completed, it will look like your surrounding teeth. When Crowns are Used While dental veneers are used to correct small chips or cracks in the teeth and a dental implant is used to replace a missing tooth, dental crowns are used for fixing teeth with severe decay or a dental filling that is compromised and doesn’t protect the tooth anymore. Crowns are also placed after a root canal, wisdom tooth extraction or to secure a dental bridge restoration by anchoring the adjacent natural teeth. When a dental crown is used after a root canal, it gives extra support to the tooth and lessens the risk of retreatment. There are various types of dental crown materials. The sealing ability is dependent on the filling materials used and the quality of the tooth that is used. – Ceramic crowns: These are popular as they blend in with the surrounding natural teeth and are highly resistant to wear. – Crowns made from porcelain fused to metal: These are highly durable and offer a strong seal because of their attachment to the metal. – Crown made of gold alloys: These are made of a blend of gold, copper and other metals, ensuring a strong bond to the tooth that cannot fracture or wear away the tooth. – Crowns made of base metal alloys: These are strongly resistant to corrosion and are very strong in general. They require the least amount of healthy tooth removal before placement. The Making of Your Crown Unless you are having a crown made on the same day, the making of a dental crown typically requires two visits. The tooth will need to be reduced in size so the crown will fit correctly, and then an impression will be made of the crown. While waiting for your crown to be made, a temporary crown is put in place. When the dental crown is ready, at your followup visit the crown will be cemented onto the affected tooth. Caring For Your Crown Since your crown is created to blend into your smile naturally, people around you will likely not even notice you have had a tooth replacement done. If you take good care of your crown by practicing consistent, daily oral hygiene habits, you can avoid the crown becoming loose or falling out. Brushing and flossing twice a day along with regular professional dental cleanings and checkups can keep your teeth (particularly the back molars) healthy and strong so your crown can last a lifetime! If you would like to know if a crown is right for you, we invite you to give us a call and schedule a consultation with our dentist. We will be happy to help you and your smile today!
18 Jun, 2019
Our team strongly encourages everyone to floss daily, but do you ever wonder why? Well, flossing is vital for top-notch oral health and smiles. It can help you and your oral health in more ways than you might realize. This means that if you forget to floss, your smile can also suffer. Forgetting to floss can: – Leave your smile vulnerable to developing cavities: If you don’t remove food particles, plaque, bacteria and other harmful substances from between teeth, they can attack the tooth enamel and create a hole in the surface, creating what is known as a cavity. The cavity can affect one or more teeth and can spread, infecting multiple layers of the teeth. If you’re not careful, it can affect the tooth nerve, tooth pulp and even the root canal. – Make you fall victim to gum disease: If you don’t remove plaque from the surfaces of the teeth as well as from the gumline, it can severely affect the gums. In fact, it can irritate and infect the gums to make them swell and bleed. It can also turn into tartar and make the gums recede from the base of the teeth. As time passes, that tartar can spread to the jawbone and deteriorate it, causing loose and even lost teeth. It’s very important to remove plaque daily before it affects the gums. – Compromise the entire health of your body: If you don’t treat your gum disease quickly, it can contribute to serious health issues like heart disease, diabetes, stroke, respiratory disease and rheumatoid arthritis. When it comes to proper flossing, some tips we have include the following: – Use about 16-18 inches of floss and wind most of it around your middle fingers – Using your thumbs and index fingers, gently use back-and-forth motions to slide the floss between your teeth (avoid snapping the floss onto your gums) – Following the curves of your teeth, gently floss between each tooth and along the gums – As you move between each tooth, use a clean area of the floss – Keep floss or travel floss picks on hand for when you get food particles stuck during the day Proper flossing helps you not only achieve better oral and overall health but can help avoid costly treatments. If you do need a specific treatment, our team will help you find the most cost-effective solution. Make sure to floss regularly and at least once a day! That way, you can have the top-notch smile and oral health you deserve. To learn more about flossing, please reach out and talk to a member of our team. We will be more than happy to give you and your family the answers and information that you need for a great smile!
06 May, 2019
This is the month where we recognize our mothers for all their efforts and take the opportunity to thank them for all they have done, which may also include them teaching us how to brush and floss. As a mother, your oral health is important to both you and your family. When your teeth are strong and your gums healthy, you’ll feel better and be able to take care of your family. Mother’s Day is a reminder your smile is just as important, so now is the time to focus on your dental care needs. Women face some unique oral health concerns that require routine oral care with the help of the dentist and at your own hand. Some of these circumstances include the following: – Menstrual cycle: During the course of your menstrual cycle, your hormones can fluctuate and result in red, swollen and bleeding gums, as well as canker sores and cold sores. – Hormonal birth control: If you use a pill, shot, UID or vaginal ring, your body may have increased levels of estrogen and progesterone, which can make your gums red and sensitive. Furthermore, changes in hormones can complicate tooth extraction by resulting in clotting failure. If you need to have a tooth removed, we encourage you to notify our dentist of your birth control method as well as any other medicine you take. – Pregnancy gingivitis: Whether you are just starting a family or adding a wonderful little addition, pregnancy makes proper oral care more important than ever. During this time, many women develop pregnancy gingivitis, which can increase dental plaque due to hormonal changes as well as inflame and irritate the gums, even causing them to bleed. – Menopause: Menopause causes estrogen levels to plummet, and this causes some women to experience a burning sensation in their mouths, a decreased saliva flow that causes dry mouth and an increased risk of osteoporosis that can lead to gum disease. To prevent and manage these conditions so that you can have the healthy and beautiful smile you deserve, we encourage you to brush for two minutes twice a day as well as floss daily and reduce your intake of sugary snacks. It’s also important to visit your dentist every six months for dental checkups, or sooner if you feel something is not right in your mouth. If you are pregnant, we recommend getting a dental exam and cleaning more often. Be sure to celebrate your mothers and grandmothers this month, and encourage them to take the time to attend to their own needs, especially their dental health. Our team welcomes the hardworking and loving mothers of our community to contact our dental office and schedule a consultation today!
08 Apr, 2019
Spring has sprung, and summer is almost here! The sun shouldn’t be the only thing shining bright this season. Your smile is a great feature to show off to friends, family, coworkers, social media, a date and everyone else! Need help to show off your smile confidently? Our team can help you achieve the look you desire. The American Dental Association (ADA) found in a study that 28-29% of the people they surveyed said the appearance of their mouth and teeth affected their abilities to effectively interview for a job. In the same study, one in four adults (and 35% of young adults) said they avoid smiling because they are unhappy with their mouth and teeth, and one in five adults (and 33% of young adults) said they experience anxiety when it comes to showing off their smile. A few insecurities people typically feel about their teeth include gaps, crookedness, discoloration (yellowing) and chips in the teeth. With modern technology and encouragement from all of us here, you have options to create a smile to be proud of and show off to the world. Some treatment options include the following: – Teeth Whitening: Do you have yellowing teeth or want your teeth to have a brighter shine? Professional teeth whitening can help you achieve the desired whiteness that will last longer than an over-the-counter option. – Chip Repair: Dental veneers and dental crowns are both options to repair that chip or crack in your tooth. – Orthodontic Treatment: Orthodontics not only improve your look by straightening your teeth but can benefit you healthwise. The better alignment of your teeth allows more secure gums and correct jaw alignment as well as better speech and chewing. A popular option is clear aligners for those who don’t want to wear metal braces. – Dental Implant: Missing tooth? You can fill in the space with an implant, which not only helps your smile aesthetically but also improves your oral health. Be sure to take care of your smile as well with the following tips: – Dental Care: Brush twice a day, floss once a day, use mouthwash to get rid of bacteria and avoid smoking or using tobacco. – Eat Healthy and Drink Lots of Water: By eating right and drinking water, you can help your teeth get the needed nutrients they need to be strong. Drinking water throughout the day helps flush out food particles that lead to unwanted bacteria. – Visit the Dentist: Be sure to visit your dentist twice a year to get a dental cleaning and exam. We check for cavities and any signs of oral cancer. – Mouthguards: If you are playing a contact sport or doing something that may cause a fall, be sure to wear a mouthguard to protect your teeth from chips or losing a tooth. If you’re having trouble being confident with your teeth and mouth, give our office a call. Our team will be happy to help you find the answers to a better smile and the look you want. It’s time to be confident in your healthy smile! Schedule a consultation today, so we can answer any questions you may have about treatments. We look forward to seeing you soon!
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